Friday, July 27, 2007

See How To Relax

By Cecil McIntoshSend Feedback to Cecil McIntoshMore Details about Barbados Relaxation Retreat here.

We live in a jet-fueled world where relaxation is a luxury. There's always something to do at work, around the house, with the family or out and about around town. So, when can you find time to relax? Truly relax?

Well, in fact, you can learn to relax anytime, anywhere. That's the whole reason behind Cecil McIntosh's Barbados Relaxation Retreat at the four-star Almond Beach Resort starting this September 17th.

Learn to relax? Yes, indeed. Mr. McIntosh is a world-renowned healer and guide who has taken the best of the ancient wisdom of the Far East and melded it with the latest in behavior modification science including neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), hypnosis and other client-centered therapies that will better prepare you to live a longer, happier and healthier life.
Stress, as we all know, is unhealthy, causing hypertension, migraines, depression, anxiety, the creation of corrosive free radicals and a host of other ailments. In his busy practice outside of Toronto, Mr. McIntosh works with his dedicated clientele to provide the processes required to control the effects of stress and to learn to relax -- even when the pressure is on!

"Barbados is the perfect place to hold a seminar on relaxation techniques," Mr. McIntosh explained during a recent telephone interview. "Each day, seminar attendees will meet with me, and together, we'll learn to manage stress and handle the pressure we all experience daily -- pressure that is actually harming our health, and in some cases, leading to premature death."
However, it's not all work and no play. The Almond Beach Resort offers all of the amenities you'd expect from a quality resort. Beautiful beaches, delicious meals, nightly recreation and even a golf course for those who find relaxation on the links.

Space is strictly limited and is going fast. "I limit all of my seminars to no more than 50 participants in order to give each person the individualized attention he or she needs. Each attendee also receives $1200 in bonus savings including telephone consultations upon returning home, along with hotel savings and other bonuses.

Interested in bringing a friend, a spouse, co-worker or other associate or loved one? To make this easier, Mr. McIntosh has cut the seminar price for your guest in half, saving almost $400.
It is possible to rid your life of the fatigue, depression and lack of focus stress causes by learning the coping techniques and strategies developed by Mr. McIntosh over the past 14 years.
Stressed? Burnt out? Feeling overwhelmed by everyday activities? Put an end to all of these negative feelings and get your life back in order. Take control of your emotions using time-tested techniques and contemporary science to improve each day -- today, tomorrow and for the rest of your life.

To learn more, simply contact Cecil using the contact information below. It's a wild world but you can learn to tame it with a week in one of the most beautiful places on earth -- the exotic island of Barbados.

So this year, take a vacation with a purpose. Learn something that will improve the quality of your life and the lives of those around you. Oh, and don't forget the beautiful surroundings. This all-inclusive package sells out quickly so please contact us today to avoid disappointment.

Cecil McIntosh, B.B.M., CHt.- Barbados Stress Relief Healer- presents Secret strategies for Busy Business People and Working Moms to stay focused, get more done, and find more time. To get away on Seven Retreat go here now

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